Friday, June 19, 2009

Akaka Bill debate renewed (Hawaii)

Map of Hawaii
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The Akaka Bill is going to be brought for Congress once again. The bill proposes a Native Hawaiian government similar to those established for American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives. The bill was first introduced in Congress in 2,000 and brought up again and again. Backers of the bill believe it stands a good chance of being approved this year.
Most mainstream groups in Hawaii support the bill but some opponents say its approval would perpetuate wrongs rooted in the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy.
Cosmic Eagles

News articles

-- Akaka Bill debate renewed News from Indian Country
"Opposition to a proposed Native Hawaiian government comes from those who fear race-based privileges and Hawaiians who believe it would forfeit their 116-year-old claims to independence.
Most mainstream groups, including the state government’s Hawaiian agency and leaders of both political parties, support passage of the legislation, which began moving through Congress again this year with its first committee hearing June 11. But even they would like to make changes to it.
Backers of the Akaka Bill, named after Hawaii Sen. Daniel Akaka, say the measure has never stood a better chance of becoming law since it was first introduced in Congress in 2000 and brought up every session since. Hawaii-born President Barack Obama has said he would sign the bill."

-- Akaka Bill should pass with new amendments Honolulu Star-Bulletin

-- HAKU MO'OLELO Maui News


Akaka Bill To Be Presented On Capitol Hill Again


The Akaka Bill: Part 1 of 3

The Akaka Bill: Part 2 of 3

The Akaka Bill: Part 3 of 3

More information

-- Akaka Bill Full Text, As Introduced in the United States Senate

-- Akaka Bill = Fraud (

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