Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Arrival of first Native Americans

Today i tell you a story that was told to me. The story is about how the first people came to America. Most, but not all of them, had a red skin. From where they came, life was good. Tribes of different skin colors lived in harmony. They had one chief, he was called the Primeaval Chief. The Creator had given the Primeaval Chief the task to unite the tribes. He gathered many tribes under him. He was of a race in which people got very old. Some of his relatives lived over 200 years. Also the Primeaval Chief became very old. He was very smart, but there was betrayal in his family. Because of that betrayal, evil tribes invaded and took away the good grounds from the good tribes. The Primeaval Chief sent the tribes away, to search for safe places. Some of the tribes went westwards. They eventually ended up in Western Europe. They went on until they reached the shores and could not go farther. Other tribes went to the northeast. The farther they got, the colder it got. They did not find good territory. They had decided to leave and could not go back. In front of them there was ice and water. They hunted on the way. The journey took several years. Sometimes water barred their way. They made boats to paddle to the next island of ice. Almost all of them died on the way. It was especially hard for the children. One man was very large. He loved children and he carried several of them during the entire journey. On arrival he died of exhaustion. His name was Massa.A small group managed to survive. Suddenly they could go southward again. It got warmer and better. They found a rich land.When the tribe had arrived, they had a gathering of chiefs and elders. They knew that their flight had been caused by betrayal that had given the upperhand to their enemies. To prevent betrayal in the future, they gave their tribe a new name: The Twin Brothers Tribe. Each person in the tribe had his twin brother. If needed, a twin brother would give his life for his brother.For long centuries, the new and good grounds were theirs. But the enemies that had chased them away from their original place grew in numbers and expanded their territory over the year-thousands. Eventually they also found America and brought with them the problems that had rested for so long.
May 12, 2006

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